Stefan Kumarasinghe Profile Picture

Software Engineer

Demo Arena

Welcome to my demo arena, where I have uploaded some projects for you to interactively test. If you use these codes, please respect my ownership by citing as the original creator with the following collaborators for each project (if any). Please follow my GitHub profile as well

Demo Projects

Tap away to break the chest to reveal all my projects. Please remember to respect my code ownership by citing my name


Swindate is a full stack platform which is coded in PHP using the Laravel framework and it uses technologies such as Jquery, Bootstrap, Js. Moreover it uses services and infrastructure of AWS servers

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PHP for Business

This template is coded in RAW PHP, JS and CSS. This could be used by any business to showcase information regarding their website and it also has a simple questionaire forms that is handled by the PHP backend server which then admin users can login by connecting to the database and view a quick dashboard of results and responses

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Laravel Cafe

This platform is designed using PHP laravel and it can be used by Cafe, by showcasing their menu, taking online order, customer logins, and enable customers to reserve tables or spots. Moreover, it enables users to view their orders and change them if necessary.

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Revise Zone

This was coded in static HTML, CSS and JS files and was used to publish many free notes on Physics, Accounting, Computer Science to students with interactive features such as exam checker, quizzes and othe features

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Exam Checker

This was coded using JS and it marked 40 question quizzes by defining the answers in an object and automatically correcting it once completed

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This is coded using Vuejs and CapacitorJs (to create the Android Version) and the backend uses FASTAPI. It basically uses Web Scraping to read online webpages, extract data and process it to compare best prices across different stores

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Ralph Randolph Project

Since this was for a commercial use, the code is hidden, but it was coded using RAW CSS, HTML AND JS

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DaisySeed Microchip Equilizer

This is coded using C# and was used to upload to the Daisyseed chip to perform fx effects and modify the audio. This was collaborated project with Lucien

Message Encryptor

This is to encrypt and decode messages using a key (generated or entered) using AES 256 encryption with the help of Js libraries

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DevOps Pipeline

Demonstation of producing a Continous Development Pipeline, by using VScode as the build server, GitHub Actions as the Test server and Azure as the production and staging server

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Data Visualisation

Using D3.js to illustrate large amounts of data by initially cleaning and filtering and regressing the code using python codes and then displaying the data into heatmaps and graphs with interactive features and design principles in mind

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My Mario Bird C#

This game is coded in Raw C# and using the splashkit liabrary and is very similar to a flappy bird and mario fusion game

Music Player Ruby

The code is lost (will recover soon), however, there is a demonstration of a music player coded entirely by using raw Ruby

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Figma UX/UI Designing

Collection of my Prototype designs and Work, I have been involved in. Anyone is free to use it and learn from it

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UX Design Draft A (CTPA)

This is the UX design for a security android app to provide a basic idea of how our app works and what features it will entail

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